What is this man doing? Calisthenics? Auditioning for an antiperspirant commercial? Practicing for a holdup? Playing “Simon Says”? Showing a physical condition of stiff arms?
GFB is needing a web page designer. If you think you’re good and would like to strut your stuff, we can give you a great platform to prove it!
My friend, co-worker and Ubaúna pastor has been having a rough time lately. First, there was the motorcycle accident. Ugly. Painful. Debilitating. Still recovering weeks later. Then, a severe intestinal infection. Now, the flu. To those of you who know him and to those of you who know of him, please take a moment and […]
It’s not about me?
Sometimes things become such a part of you that it is difficult to see things from a different and objective perspective. Sometimes this subjective vision of your world is distorted (e.g., “I am the most handsome man on the face of the earth”), sometimes it can be right on (e.g., “My wife is the best!”), […]
Had a great conversation with Audrey in Ubauna last night. I always find it fascinating that we’re chatting away like he is across the street when he is thousands of miles away. Technology has changed the world and made it smaller (and more affordable!). Decades ago when I moved to and lived in Brasil, we […]