Check the last speaker in the list. Yep! I’m one of the featured speakers at the “Party of Nations” Conference in Curitiba, Brazil. I’m honored and excited to be able to speak on missions and especially missions in northeastern Brazil… to Brazilians who want to evangelize the world! How cool is that?!
Is it deja vu if it’s happened before?
Ever heard someone repeating your words back to you, but you’ve never spoken to them before? Such is happening to me this weekend at the conference I’m attending at Mahesh Chavda’s All Nation Church. I’m hearing what I’ve been saying, thinking and even dreaming coming back at me from the mouths of other people. I […]
Brazil north with Mahesh Chavda?
I’m off at All Nations Church in Fort Mill, SC attending a conference featuring Mahesh Chavda and Bill Johnson. These are two individuals who’ve had a profound influence on my life over the last few years and I was thrilled to be able to catch both of them at one event. In some ways this […]
My man Wesley, or what do you do in Ubaúna?
I continuously get the question asked of me, “What do you do when you are in Ubauna?” There are so many things I could say, so many imagines I could describe. But I think the best way to answer that question is to introduce you to Wesley. Wesley is what happens in Ubaúna. Wesley is […]
Amazing what a little paint does
Pictures tell you a whole lot! This is the new Seed of Hope activity center. It’s all spruced up and ready to inaugurated in less than two weeks. This is going to be fun! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxBEFORExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAFTER Can’t you just imagine scores of wild, screaming, happy and not hungry, kids romping through this space? I can!