How do you go about making such an impact on young adults and young couples that Jesus gets a hearing? Yes, I know of the power of the gospel. Yes, I know that it is the Spirit who opens the door. But, no, I can’t understand why we give all the “good stuff” to the […]
An email telling of murder…
Remember the missionary I was telling you about who left everything to serve Jesus? I just receive this via email: Adults and children are coming to church. Among them is a child whose father was murdered last Saturday night. Three gypsies shot him eight times because of a drug debt. Even more shocking was that […]
Feed me!
Wow! The words of Jesus, I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home, can be so real when you see them in action. Here’s what it looks like in Ubaúna, Brazil. YOU make it happen; Jesus […]
Little potholes
I’ve told the tales of the potholes in the roads in Fortaleza and in the interior of Ceará (Brazil); but, I know I’m not believed. I wouldn’t believe it either. So, when this short video came to me the other day I thought, “Eureka!” (well, I didn’t actually think that, but it sounds good). I […]
…and the church grew.
Video report from Ubaúna, Brazil