Interesting day for Brasil today. It started with Lifepoint slamming one out of the park. The church took up a special offering and presented Gospel for Brazil a check today for $7.245.67! Wow! This church is stoked about transforming Ubaúna and the surrounding region. After church I had five people approach me about wanting to go […]
Satan Sucks!
Had a bit of Ubaúna in Wilmington today. Satan rules bigtime in the little village of Ubaúna, Brasil. He does things there that cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand up and salute. Silly me, I tend to think he does it there because he can; we are way to sophisticated […]
Temporary disappointment
The anticipation of Sunday mornings is getting ridiculous. It messes with my sleep among other things — makes me have crazy dreams. It causes my stomach to have the sensation of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds” — where the birds are doing their all-out, kamikazie attack on the town. The anticipation of the supernatural is […]
They’re coming again! / Eles estão voltando!
Talked with my couple who attended Lifepoint last weekend. Wife found it “riveting,” hubby thought it “enlightening,” son thought holding a brick during the whole thing was “cool.” They are coming back this Sunday. ————————————————– Falei com meu casual que visitou no Lifepoint no fim da semana passada. A esposa achou que foi “fascinante,” o […]
The Perry Noble Effect
I find it interesting that I can write a note about Perry Noble, intentionally labeled diabolically, and get numerous and continuous hits from people who have no clue who I am. I am a fan of the man. He personifies passion for the Kingdom. In my book that makes him special. I’ve been confronted by the […]