Just came across this — an interesting (or sad) affair. Christians refusing to love an atheist, or rather, refusing a hug from one. Daniel Morgan, the 25 year old president of the University of Florida’s Atheist, Agnostic and Freethinking Student Association, wants to change the image of atheists: “We’re working on the image of atheists…We’re trying […]
Sometimes someone says the right thing in a particular way and it gives you a lightbulb moment. That flash of light you just saw was mine: I learned a few years ago that if you ever want to make God laugh…tell Him your plans. Too often we think Christianity is about getting God on our […]
Ever have someone cling to your every word? Not just because you happened to be interesting, but because they felt that you were their only hope. It is frightening; it makes you feel helpless. They want you to give them answers that are impossible; worse, their emotional and physical state will worsen or improve depending […]
Speaking in tongues, but cheating / Falando em línguas, mas…
[ENGLISH] I went to a pentecostal church service last night . . . They spoke in tongues, but I fully understood. It was a Brasilian service! 🙂 This is a new church plant here in Wilmington and we’d been invited to the kick off service. I was tired and didn’t really want to go because […]
I was right! / Eu estava certo!
The excitement had a reason — Lifepoint was jamming this morning. Jeff‘s message kicked between the legs! Every CD of his talk that was burned was taken and all of last week’s also. Who would have thought that forgiveness was such a big deal? (hehehe) My couple came! ————————————————- Meu entusiasmo tinha razão – Lifepoint estava […]