Interesting. I’ve been up since 4:00 a.m. Excited. Is that crazy or what? Can’t wait to get to the school to begin setup. A family we’ve been inviting for over a year plans to attend today. ————————————————————————— Interessante. Estou acordado desde 4:00 a.m. Entusiasmado. Doido, não é? Não posso esperar para chegar no colégio para […]
I hate Perry Noble!
There! I’ve admitted it. I feel better. Twice in just a couple of months I’ve confessed my hatred. First of smoothie bars, and now, of a gentleman in Anderson, S.C. by the name of Perry Noble. Hatred can be such a cruel master. So, what’s my beef with the Noblemeister? Allow me to enumerate: 1. […]
A new perspective on murder / Uma nova perspectiva de assassinato
ENGLISH My Bible reading today had me in Numbers 35:30-34. Interesting take on murder . . . All murderers must be executed… No one may be put to death on the testimony of only one witness… Murderers must always be put to death… Murder pollutes the land… Could it be that a part of the […]
My main man, Valdimário . . .
É tão bom quando alguém que estava sofrendo, se encontra novamente o caminho. Um amigo meu e co-guerreio no reino, Valdimário Linhares Santos passou por um tempo difícil. Mas nosso Deus é fiel. Valdimário passou a prova e agora está sendo usado em uma maneira poderoso. Recentemente ele entrou no mundo de blogando. O blog […]
Are Prayers Answered?
The March Research on Social Work Practice, one of the most prestigious journals in the field of social work, says “yes.” David R. Hodge, an assistant professor of social work at Arizona State University, conducted a comprehenisve analysis on the effect of intercessory prayer — prayer offered for someone else — on people with psychological or medical […]