Ok, this is going to be difficult. Just spent a day in Anderson, S.C. at the Unleash conference at NewSpring Church with a crew from Lifepoint. One word description: incredible. If you know nothing of NewSpring, perhaps the name Perry Noble might ring a bell. If not, click the links, check them out, then come […]
Leaving on a . . . van?
I can’t get that stupid song out of my head — leaving on a jet plane… I leaving on a van, not a jet plane, and am heading for the big city of Anderson, S.C. Why? The Newspring Church is putting on a one-day conference called Unleashed and it promises to be a head spinner. […]
Christian vs. Christ-Follower, part 3
Here’s the third installment
Edson: A Tale in 2 Languages
PORTUGUÊS [English below] Um amigo meu, um brasileiro que está aqui nos EUA ilegalmente, vai embora hoje. Ele entrou no país por México 2 anos passados. Ele deixou sua esposa e suas 2 criancinhas em casa, em Minas Gerais. Ele planejou ganhar muito dinheiro e voltar pra casa em 3 anos. Que sacrifício! Que amor! […]
Gulp! Swallow, belch…
Beginning around Numbers 11 and going forward, you see some really interesting perspectives on human nature. If you’ve been doing any reading since the end of Genesis through this part of Numbers, one of the things that has stood out is how stupid the Israelites are. It is as though someone walked around hitting every […]