I told you some amazing things were going to happen at Lifepoint today! Eight baptisms — did you see the way Randall came out of the water? Did you see the power of Erin’s transformation? Were you surprised at Pastor Daryl’s emotion when he baptized his daughter? You don’t see that kind of stuff every day! […]
Saturday Morning
I’m sitting in the lull of a quiet Saturday morning. It doesn’t happen often, unfortunately. But I’ll take it! In just a few hours I’ve a wedding to go to. Not a big wedding man am I; but this one is special. One of my closest friends, who’s just as old as I am (poor […]
Grand Funk Railroad, Moody Blues, et. al.
I spent an evening last night trippin’ the light fantastic . . . I took a blast to the past to my younger days in the late 60’s and early 70’s, listening to music that I’ve not heard for many years. Funny how music can bring back long dormant memories and emotions. Flicking my Bic, […]
What can we give to people?
I came across an article by a fellow named Brad Hightower. He seems to be quite astute at reading the modern church. Read this: What the church offers is programs and teaching. In other words, the church offers people church. The real problem with the church in America is that we convert people to church and not […]
I’ll bet you didn’t know that Jesus is [still] dead
Big news was broken yesterday: Jesus and his family have been founded dead in their graves in Israel. Ok, to be fair, you might want to check out the blog. Don’t know the fellow. In fact, I’ve never heard of him before. Nice piece of writing, though. I don’t know that the conclusion can be […]