It’s going to be more impressive than you might imagine. Don’t be afraid to take one large step because you can’t cross a chasm in two small leaps. —David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister and statesman, (1863-1945) If you think you’re too small to have an impact try going to bed with a mosquito in […]
Sperm, scapegoats, traditions and thought-life, part 2
Yesterday I had an extended chat with a gentlemen who finds himself in a predicament. A “simple deacon” (his words) in a Baptist church, he was thrown into a morass that is so horrendous that it is affecting his health. The chairman of the deacons was caught in a child pornography sting two weeks ago […]
Sperm, scapegoats, traditions and thought-life, part 1
Today found me in Leviticus 15-16, Mark 7 and Psalm 40 — strange combination on the surface. Genital discharge, menstrual periods, intercourse (I’m not making this up) and putting them all together (such as monkeying around while the woman is having her period) were the topics of discussion in Leviticus. Quite a change from the […]
Leviticus is killing me, but Sunday’s coming!
Those of you doing the one year through the Bible, are you about to bog down with all the junk in Leviticus? Kinda tough to slog through it, isn’t it? Like my bud, Pastor Jeff noted as we talked about it yesterday, it’s like the Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day, where the hero has to […]
Ever woke up in an agitated state? I don’t, or at least not too often. Today I did, but it wasn’t a typical “agitated state.” Something about it was different. The funny thing about “different” is that it can be good or it can be bad. My dilemma has been to make that determination. There seems […]