When a man knows his purpose, everyone else knows as well. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Paul Robertson, Heir As one who has claimed to know Jesus for the majority of my adult years, a quick review of those years proves that I really haven’t had a clue who Jesus was. It seems that this is also true in the […]
Be conscious
“Even now there are thousands of beings in heaven watching what is going on down here—a “great cloud of witnesses,” the Scripture says. It reminds me that there is so much more to our existence than what we can see. What we do reverberates through the heavens and into eternity. Try for a whole day […]
Why the atheists have it right
I follow several different blogs and folks on Tweeter who are avowed atheists. I find much of their expression of and on spiritual matters to be entertaining, confusing, enlightening and, often, correct. Their view of what we blithely label “christianity” reflects their experience. They just happen to have been sufficiently disenfranchised by the system to […]
Pigs fly, donkeys talk, christians belch
Ok, this is probably going to get me in trouble… When we are trying to attract the world to Jesus, why must we use language that is guaranteed to drive them away? Just as an example — I do not know the writer, nor have I read the blog– the title of a blog came […]
Hellhole part V: Conclusion
After leaving the favela on Sunday afternoon I wanted to immediately sit down and start writing. So much was going through my head and my heart that I wanted to record it so I wouldn’t forget the emotions. But I didn’t. Instead, I went for a walk on the beach with my wife at sunset, […]