Satan rules. And we aren’t doing squat about it. That is what made me so mad. I am allowing the Prince of Darkness to rule. I have the power to challenge and change his domination, but I’m content to go about my daily affairs as though his kingdom doesn’t exist. I do nice things in […]
Hellhole part III: To Hell with it
The friend I’d gone to see almost seemed overjoyed to see me. He was definitely surprised! This is a tough character, not easily intimidated nor frightened. In his six months in the favela he’d already been robbed, mugged, had his home invaded. As I stood in his little shop, he keep furtively looking side to […]
Hellhole part II: Reality
Though his power has been broken, Satan has effectively and efficiently convinced us humans, and especially those of us who claim to follow Jesus, otherwise. We willingly give him the power we’ve been given and he immediately puts it to use against us. As Americans we are blessed that we do not live in a […]
Hellhole part I: A trip to hell
I’m made at hell. Not mad as hell, but mad at it. Perhaps you saw some of my tweets this past weekend and wondered, “What is wrong with that dude?” In the event you didn’t, I expressed an immediate reaction to walking into the worst slum I’ve ever been in while in Fortaleza, Brazil. Understand […]
Weirdo #2
I think the desert must breed weirdism. Meet Márcio and Meire. He was the small groups pastor for a very large church in Fortaleza and earning $2000 (US) a month. Because the church has a school, his kids were going to private school for free and his wife was working for the church. Nice, huh? […]