I’ve been spending quite a bit of time ruminating on church. When one ruminates they aren’t attempting to come up with solutions or direction; to ruminate is to literally chew the cud. As a pre-teen I often went with my dad to a friend’s dairy farm. I was always captivated by the milking process, being […]
Why is the church so second-rate when it comes to reaching and impacting society? Doesn’t the Bride of Christ deserve the attention that Whoppers’ generates? So, what are we waiting for?
Choosing Ground
A simple meeting room at a hotel, right? Actually, it isn’t. This is the scene of an event that will begin a process of bringing a new church to Leland, NC. River of Leland will officially make it’s public debut on December 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Comfort Inn in Leland. Birthed from a […]
Intellectual Arrogance
I’m coming across authors who wrote some pretty good stuff. The interesting thing is that they wrote it when I was in grad school and they weren’t much older than I at the time (I suppose they still aren’t much older than I now). I even vaguely remember hearing their names while in school and […]
Understandable mistake
A lady comes into my office yesterday. She is grumpy, kinda mean. She tells me why she’s come in, wants me to feed her everything I know and can look up about her condition. She’s not happy with my answers, questions where I went to school. Said my office was too dark and wanted to […]