Get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them… I will give you every place where you set your foot —Joshua When the Spanish explorer Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon came into the Cape Fear region in 1526, what is now call the Cape Fear River, was christened […]
Bait and Switch?
Why does this make me think of the current status of the evangelical church in the U.S. and the Spirit?
Tax collectors
I renewed my car tag this morning. In all the years I’ve done this, and in three different states, my experience has always been less than warm. The folks behind the counter are always dour, sullen, scowling and just plain negative (even mean). The only reason I even return is that the law dictates I […]
Is that it?
For the majority of the years I labored under the Christian banner my “walk” was constantly plagued by the nagging question “Is that it?” Is this all there is to this thing? Doesn’t it get any better? What’s all the hoopla about? Being the good little Christian, however, I never voiced my rising concern. I […]
The gospel according to… Jesus?
I have a friend who says he’s worried that the church sometimes offers more of a “good deal” than it does in just sharing the Good News. It seems to me that many in the Christian world have a tendency to offer their brand of Christianity (sometimes denominational: Baptist, Methodist, charismatic, Catholic) which in essence […]