Ever been to a boring church? Kinda sucky, isn’t it? If you like boring, you’d best not show up at the Gospel for Brazil church in Ubaúna, Brazil. These folks are rockin’! They do not know what it means to behave in a “dignified” manner. They go all out, just like folks at a big […]
Vagabonds tying one on
The church in Ubaúna… what am I going to do with them… They’re acting like a bunch of vagabonds! Just who do they think they are? Tell ’em to go out and feed some hungry folks and they go and get the whole community riled up, asking who they are. Tell ’em to arrange a […]
Do you want door #1 or door #2?
A funny things happens on the way to the pearly gates. Salvation isn’t fire insurance, much to the chagrin of popular opinion. It’s not a religious concept surrounded with ritual and mystery. It is a violent ripping of a soul from the kingdom of darkness, an emancipation by divine decree, the liberation of a captive […]
Jamming light down the throat of darkness
The Thirty had no identity crisis. There was no attempt at being politically correct and “playing nicely.” They ran with scissors in hand, they jumped off roofs, they killed giants. They knew what was necessary and they rose to the task, even at the risk of their own lives. We should not be running from… […]
He has to fight me
Mantra of The Thirty I believe that the enemy divides all people into two categories: those he can ignore and those he has to fight. I want to be one of those that he has to fight. —Releasing Your Church’s Potential