“The thirty” were not adverse to taking on lopsided odds. In fact, those heroics were what made them famous. The exploits they each created fed the fearlessness of the others; they seemingly thrived on attacking the impossible. They were literally “giant-killers.” But such fierceness isn’t without retribution. Simply reading of their endeavors, you get a […]
Defeated by a… gate?
I tend to camp out in a passage for several days at a time. The longer I stay in it, the more alive it becomes. I’ve been rolling around for almost two weeks in 2 Samuel 23 (and it’s parallel counterpart in 1 Chronicles 11), as I noted the other day. I’ve always been a […]
Giant-killers needed
A narrative that has always riveted my attention has been that of “the thirty” in Samuel and Chronicles. Thirty-seven men, the mightiest of the mighty, in David’s army who were the heart and soul of the power of Israel. Each one more fierce and brave than the other; each one worth more than their proverbial […]
Man eats live chicken, seriously
The comical and the serious often overlap. In Ubaúna there is a family that lives in a miserable situation. The mother has become a follower of Jesus and her children love the Seed of Hope program. One of them has a sponsor through the program and thinks it is great that she has one and […]
Dueling signs
Heading out of town yesterday morning I passed two signs heralding Father’s Day. One was in front of a church. It said: “Sermon: A Special Father’s Day.” The other was a small restaurant. It’s sign said: “Breakfast: A Father’s Day Special.” One parking lot was crammed beyond capacity. The other’s parking lot only had two […]