Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Paul is a stickler for getting it right. Don’t get caught up in the law, run after the Spirit. Make sure you know where you are placing your trust. Sitting here in the interior of Brazil, I have to ask myself: what are my motives, what […]
Faithless fear
Here we go again! I go off into the middle of the desert and God just shows up and messes me up… What so many folks say is faith is actually fear. It doesn’t matter how they dress it up and parade it around, calling it high and lofty names… it is simply a masquerade. […]
Magic 8 ball
I have a really lousy (slow) internet connection so this will have to be brief. We baptized 8 folks this morning! The stories they bring are mind boggling; one goes all the way back 5 years ago when we first started showing in the village. Talk about gratifying… Over 70 folks present for the baptism. […]
The Big Top
I don’t know why I’m astounded. God is big and diversified. That continuously astounds me. What I saw yesterday was simply one more proof of that. I told you we were going to see the tent/worship center of the Central Baptist Church (which isn’t a Baptist church and I don’t understand why they use the […]
A different kind of tent city
Today I’m heading out highway BR116 to the north side of Fortaleza to see a really big tent. The Central Baptist Church of Fortaleza meets in a teflon tent, not a building, and has over 3,500 folks in attendance in their Sunday worship services. That is a BIG tent! My “chance” encounter with Arimar’s uncle […]