I’m getting old. Seriously old. I remember when the Commodore 64 was the hottest thing on the planet and was deliciously excited when I built an interface that allowed me to write directly to a cassette disk to store my “ruminations.” I paid as much for my first C64 as I did myMacbook! I’ve been […]
An email telling of murder…
Remember the missionary I was telling you about who left everything to serve Jesus? I just receive this via email: Adults and children are coming to church. Among them is a child whose father was murdered last Saturday night. Three gypsies shot him eight times because of a drug debt. Even more shocking was that […]
It just takes one…
All it takes is one; others will see and join in. Makes me think of Andrew: Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard John’s witness and followed Jesus. The first thing he did after finding where Jesus lived was find his own brother, Simon, telling him, “We’ve found the Messiah” (that […]
Ruminating on Jesus
When a man knows his purpose, everyone else knows as well. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-Paul Robertson, Heir As one who has claimed to know Jesus for the majority of my adult years, a quick review of those years proves that I really haven’t had a clue who Jesus was. It seems that this is also true in the […]
Be conscious
“Even now there are thousands of beings in heaven watching what is going on down here—a “great cloud of witnesses,” the Scripture says. It reminds me that there is so much more to our existence than what we can see. What we do reverberates through the heavens and into eternity. Try for a whole day […]