I have a friend who says he’s worried that the church sometimes offers more of a “good deal” than it does in just sharing the Good News. It seems to me that many in the Christian world have a tendency to offer their brand of Christianity (sometimes denominational: Baptist, Methodist, charismatic, Catholic) which in essence […]
How many votes for “all too probable?”
I am desperate to experience the life of impossibility. Yesterday, I stumbled across this quote by Martin Buber in his On Judaism: “Whoever can no longer desire the impossible will be able to achieve nothing more than the all too probable.” ~page 145 Any takers for the “all too probable” lifestyle?
I was watching one of the recurrent themes on America’s Funniest Videos last night — cats doing stupid things. There was a big, fat cat sitting on the kitchen floor; there was a loud noise that startled him and he instantly went from sitting to running. The problem was he couldn’t get any traction on […]
Happy homemaker
Sometimes your state of mind and what is happening around you will cause you to have a totally different perspective. This morning, a well-worn passage that I’ve camped out on during many occasions took a turn that I wasn’t expecting. I love it when that happens! It’s almost like having a direct hot line into […]
Heard anything good from God recently?
God speaks to us in a language we understand. He actually doesn’t have to couch his communication with you at church, in prayer or out of the pastor’s mouth. He comes looking for you and will find you in movies, music, billboards and your next door neighbor. For me, he often uses books. I’ve just […]