men⋅tor [men-tawr, -ter] –noun 1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. 2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter. v. intr. – To serve as a trusted counselor or teacher, especially in occupational settings. Synonyms: adviser, master, guide, preceptor. Remember the Rick Warren quote a few days ago: Faith is action… Anytime Gods asks you […]
…love the one you’re with (2 of 4)
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. You either know exactly what the title and those four names mean or you’re totally in the dark. In their song “Love the One You’re With” they state “And if you can’t be, with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with.” Here, if you can’t be in […]
Dreaming the impossible dream (1 of 4)
Faith is far more than just thinking. It’s far more than just believing. Faith is action… Anytime Gods asks you to do the impossible, he’ll give you the power to do it. —Rick Warren I’m in full agreement with Warren’s statement. He goes on to say: Our nation needs recovery. We hear it everyday on […]
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. — 1 Corinthians 4:20 You ever have the sensation that something is about to happen but you can’t quite put your finger on it? This has been my waking, and sleeping, state for several weeks now. It’s causing me to do […]
Church attacked in Tianguá, Brazil
I just received an urgent email from pastor Danilo in Tianguá stating that the church building had been broken into by a gang and totally trashed. Anything of any value, primarily a small sound mixing board, microphones and speakers, appear to have been stolen. The front door was literally ripped off it’s hinges, destroying the […]