This past weekend was a milestone for me in terms of my understanding of a bushel basket full of things that concern what I’d broadly call “faith.” I was at a conference in Charlotte where two of the individuals who’ve had a profound influence on my spiritual development were holding sway over an audience of […]
There’s no wizard behind the curtain
Do you know the difference between anticipation and expectation? I am anticipating my upcoming trip to Brazil (in one week, in fact) but I am expecting exciting things to happen. They are not the same, though they can be similar. Last night, I experienced expectancy; expectancy that things are going to happen, to me, in […]
The poor?
What’s the big deal about taking care of the poor? Aren’t they everywhere? Aren’t they always with us? Haven’t they always been around? I know that it was a big deal with Jesus, it seemed to be quite a topic of discussion with the prophets and even royalty in the Old Testament appeared to be […]
This love-thingy
I need God to help me love God. And if I need His help to love Him, a perfect being, I definitely need His help to love other, fault-filled humans. Something mysterious, even supernatural must happen in order for genuine love for God to grow in our hearts. The Holy Spirit has to move in […]
Do you want door #1 or door #2?
A funny things happens on the way to the pearly gates. Salvation isn’t fire insurance, much to the chagrin of popular opinion. It’s not a religious concept surrounded with ritual and mystery. It is a violent ripping of a soul from the kingdom of darkness, an emancipation by divine decree, the liberation of a captive […]