Ever see the ol’ Bill Cosby routine where he uses the word “obey?” The routine is called “Who’s the Boss?” At about 1:50 into it, he starts in on the word “obey.” You gotta listen to it; it’s a classic! (for you younger folks, Bill Cosby ruled the comedy world in the 70’s) So, I […]
I don’t know nuttin’
I’ve noticed that a large number of folks who hail as Christians feel woefully inadequate and ill-prepared to serve God. It doesn’t seem to matter if they are newbies or have multiple decades of being marked as a Christian under their belts. At least, it doesn’t seem to matter here in the U.S. I can […]
What if…
If there really is a God and the Bible really is his written word for us, are you ready to go where that would take you? Most folks really aren’t. If just the Jesus thing is true, everything you hold dear, everything you perceive as real, everything that is important in your life would change. […]
God is just a farce
This God thing is really just a farce, isn’t it? I mean, seriously. Do we really believe all this stuff about a God so big that he really cares about us? Isn’t that illogical. If he really did exist in the way that the Bible says he does, why in the world would he ever […]
Jamming light down the throat of darkness
The Thirty had no identity crisis. There was no attempt at being politically correct and “playing nicely.” They ran with scissors in hand, they jumped off roofs, they killed giants. They knew what was necessary and they rose to the task, even at the risk of their own lives. We should not be running from… […]