It is interesting to see the perceptions that people outside the U.S. have of what is occurring inside the U.S. Our new president is an excellent example. To hear folks in Brazil speak of him, Mr. Obama must walk on water, perform miracles and even raise the dead, at least of the economic kind. They […]
Ave Maria
Sometimes life is far funnier than anything a comedian can come up with. The church in Ubaúna has begun to experience some explosive growth. Consequently, they are far more people than there is space to put them in. That especially is true of the children. While there, I popped in to a small room no […]
Die sucker!
There are all kinds of interesting critters that we run into in the desert of northeastern Brazil. Frogs, tarantulas, scorpions, snakes, flies, things I don’t even know how to translate. The most ferocious, however, is the mosquito. Kinda funny, isn’t it? Let me tell you what these little suckers can do. Last March, one bit […]
I just love McDonalds!
I take back every negative thing I’ve ever said about McDonalds. At least here in Brazil. They make one of the best cappuccino’s, the best cheese breads and the best ham and cheese rolls I’ve ever put in my mouth. To borrow the catch phrase of another chain, it is “finger licking good.” What a […]
The lack of fear of flying
Flying is an interesting endeavor. People can be so… odd. Especially on an airplane. For example; The lady next to me who keeps asking the stewardess for cups of water and filling up her quart water bottle, one little four ounce cup of water at a time. The stewardess has a perplexed look on her […]