Way back in 2002 someone challenged me to read the Bible through during the year. The end result was that for five years I read it through at least once. I thought I’d accomplished something. I really hadn’t. During 2008 I read 36 books. Several of them were close to a thousand pages. I’d typically […]
I don’t do no stinking resolutions
Just like the title says, I don’t do no stinking New Year’s resolutions. I used to attempt to do them. I always failed. I watched a fascinating movie last night called “The Illusionist.” I highly recommend it. And, why, might you ask, am I throwing this in while talking about resolutions? Because it illustrates my […]
I never will cease to be amazed at how God moves. I am in God-overload at the moment. Multiple streams of “data” coming at me from multiple angles. I find it kinda overwhelming. I told him this morning that I feel like I’m putting together one of those 1000-piece puzzles with the puzzle pieces turned […]
Amazingly simple home remedies
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing veggies by getting someone else to hold the veggies while you chop. Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. Remember to use […]
Random Vote
Trying to decide who to vote for this election? Discouraged at the options that are available to you? Well, look no further. We have a much better option for you. Power to the people!