There’s no wizard behind the curtain
Do you know the difference between anticipation and expectation? I am anticipating my upcoming trip to Brazil (in one week, in fact) but I am expecting exciting things to happen. They are not the same, though they can be similar. Last night, I experienced expectancy; expectancy that things are going to happen, to me, in […]
God is love?
Anyone up to giving me a definition of what “God is love” means? Please, no clichés.
What if…
If there really is a God and the Bible really is his written word for us, are you ready to go where that would take you? Most folks really aren’t. If just the Jesus thing is true, everything you hold dear, everything you perceive as real, everything that is important in your life would change. […]
God is just a farce
This God thing is really just a farce, isn’t it? I mean, seriously. Do we really believe all this stuff about a God so big that he really cares about us? Isn’t that illogical. If he really did exist in the way that the Bible says he does, why in the world would he ever […]