I don’t know about you who know anything about what goes on in Ubaúna, but that sounds really odd to me. “Staff meeting” and “Ubaúna” aren’t two phrases that typically are placed together in the same phrase. I’m excited to announce that the two phrases have now been successfully mated! We have a “staff” in […]
And it begins…
February 2004. Hot day. Raw sewage. Pigs. Stench. Going back almost five years, it is still difficult for me to get over the amazement that God was wanting to do something big in an armpit of a place like Ubaúna, Brazil. I did not like the place. Sitting on the porch of my mother-in-law, temperature […]
Love hurts
And you: You will honor my covenant, you and your descendants, generation after generation. This is the covenant that you are to honor, the covenant that pulls in all your descendants: Circumcise every male. Circumcise by cutting off the foreskin of the penis; it will be the sign of the covenant between us… That way […]
Genesis, Verizon style
It is enlightening and entertaining reading through the Bible in another language. I’m going through the Bible on a daily basis in Portuguese this year and I’m continually amazed at how a turn of a phrase can give you a whole new insight on what a passage is saying. Abraham is in the midst of […]
Oops! Did you mean ALL the way?
Several days ago I read the story of Abraham being called by God to get out of Dodge (actually, Haran) and hit the road. I’ve read it the proverbial thousand times. Something had been bothering me about the account for days, so I went back and read it again. Actually, I went back and read […]