I just received an urgent email from pastor Danilo in Tianguá stating that the church building had been broken into by a gang and totally trashed. Anything of any value, primarily a small sound mixing board, microphones and speakers, appear to have been stolen. The front door was literally ripped off it’s hinges, destroying the […]
An interesting letter
The Farmhouse
Of notoriety on par with that of Jesse James, “the farmhouse” in Ubaúna is the base of operations for mission trips into this region. Often made out to be worse than it really is, the farmhouse is primarily used for sleeping, or at least what passes for that. Wildlife abounds; frogs in an amazing variety […]
“What’s your name?” “Júnior” “So, how do you say it in English?” “Junior” And with that began our relationship with our artist-painter-teacher who would go to Ubaúna with us to help the children express themselves artistically. Júnior, who had no idea who we were before this encounter, had volunteered to go somewhere he’d never gone […]
As far as the eye can see
I love this passage: I promise you… ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you… No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you… I will not fail you or abandon you. —Joshua 1 This photo overlooks the valley […]