At least according to the U.S. leading South American cheerleader, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. I have nothing in common with this egomaniac dictator-disguised-as-president, in fact, I really don’t care for him. He is so typical of the worst of character traits in Latin cultures. Obviously, I love Latin cultures, but detest this particular characteristic in […]
Am I adopted?
Poverty is such a cruel taskmasters. Especially to children. Seed of Hope is trying to address the problem, teaming up American sponsors with Brazilian children. For $1 a day a sponsor can provide a child with a nutritional meal each day, clothing, rudimentary medical care, and educational assistance. They also get to meet Jesus. At […]
Miss Piggy Flu Destroys Brazil!
Swine flu is obviously the means God is using to destroy the world. Stepped off the airplane yesterday in Recife and I threw my hands up in the air! There stood seven people, all in surgical masks; I thought we were being held up. All through the airport people had on masks. An announcement on […]
There are days when you just want to run the white flag up the pole. The last few days could easily be classified in the “bummer” category. So many people who are chronically ill and are grasping for any straw that might keep them afloat or offer even a crumb of hope. So many people […]
Spider bites, organic food and erections
First, to understand the title, you’ve got to read this story. The Cliff Notes version is that in a Tulsa, OK Whole Foods store (Whole Foods is an organic grocery store), an employee found one of the most deadly spiders in the world crawling around the bananas. A bite from the Brazilian Wandering Spider can […]