Some of you know Richard. Others of you have heard of him. And, by extension, most of you don’t have a clue who he is. Richard is a man who is approaching 30, but, hasn’t been emotionally or psychologically present in his body for eight years. I’ve been “working” with Richard since October of last […]
What’s going on here?
I’m astounded at the response I’m getting on my request for prayer for Henrique, the fellow in Brasil who is about to undergo a life-threatening surgery to have a limb removed because of diabetes. I’ve got folks I’ve not heard from for months, and even years, who are emailing me back. Here was my original […]
I gotta tell you, I’m often humbled by what the Spirit does… This morning I sent out an urgent request for prayer for a friend, fellow-worker and a fellow I mentored over 25 years ago when he was a teenager while living in Brasil. He is in danger of losing limbs (literally) from diabetes running […]
Do not swallow bubblegum!
Living to die after dying to live
I just got news that a patient and friend died last week. Bittersweet. She’d fought cancer for four years. Her hubby called me to tell me she’d died at home last week. He wanted to thank me. Odd, isn’t it? His wife dies and he calls to say “thank you” for giving her hope, encouragement […]