Some folks are connoisseurs of fine wine. Some have developed exquisite tastes in fine cuisine. Still others are aficionados of art or music. I’ve discovered that I’m enchanted and enthralled by worship. I don’t mean “going to church,” singing contemporary “worship” songs or any other tinny imitations that are passed off as some sort of […]
Heard anything good from God recently?
God speaks to us in a language we understand. He actually doesn’t have to couch his communication with you at church, in prayer or out of the pastor’s mouth. He comes looking for you and will find you in movies, music, billboards and your next door neighbor. For me, he often uses books. I’ve just […]
Book report, kinda
Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit, Francis Chan I like Chan. A lot. His Crazy Love messed me up. I made it required reading for our staff of pastors and workers in Brazil. I highly recommend it. I purchased Forgotten God before it was published and had been eagerly anticipating it […]