Just got word that the incident in Kirkuk did not involve Jeremy’s company! Thank you all!
Little alligators
I honestly try not to worry about things. I haven’t always been that way. It dawned on me one day as I read the words of Jesus stating that we are to trust in the Lord, not worry, that I realized if he said it, it must be true. I began moving in that direction […]
5 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq
BAGHDAD — Five U.S. soldiers died in Iraq, the U.S. military announced Friday, including three who were killed in an explosion near their vehicle.All five were assigned to Task Force Lightning, the military said.Three were conducting operations Thursday in Kirkuk province in northern Iraq when a bomb exploded near their vehicle, the military said in a […]
Political Conversation
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! This IS slightly off-color. Do not read if politicians offend you. Two alligators were relaxing in the swamp talking. The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said, “I can’t understand how you kin be so much bigger ‘n me. We’re the same age, and we was the same size as […]
Got the good news call!
We had a great Mother’s Day present just a few moments ago — our son called! He is well. He’d only heard about the incident with the missing soldiers yesterday. Seems one of his best friends was hit with shrapnel during an attack a few days ago and his unit had been in blackout mode […]