The Thirty had no identity crisis. There was no attempt at being politically correct and “playing nicely.” They ran with scissors in hand, they jumped off roofs, they killed giants. They knew what was necessary and they rose to the task, even at the risk of their own lives. We should not be running from… […]
He has to fight me
Mantra of The Thirty I believe that the enemy divides all people into two categories: those he can ignore and those he has to fight. I want to be one of those that he has to fight. —Releasing Your Church’s Potential
Taking flak
“The thirty” were not adverse to taking on lopsided odds. In fact, those heroics were what made them famous. The exploits they each created fed the fearlessness of the others; they seemingly thrived on attacking the impossible. They were literally “giant-killers.” But such fierceness isn’t without retribution. Simply reading of their endeavors, you get a […]
Who’s following YOU on Twitter?
I must be putting out some really interesting stuff on Twitter!
Man eats live chicken, seriously
The comical and the serious often overlap. In Ubaúna there is a family that lives in a miserable situation. The mother has become a follower of Jesus and her children love the Seed of Hope program. One of them has a sponsor through the program and thinks it is great that she has one and […]