My sojourns in the desert of northeastern Brazil brought me in contact with some really weird people. Danilo and Fatima. Both in their mid-30’s, Danilo is an engineer and his wife Fatima is a school teacher. Danilo was making $7,000 (US) a month in his job. Both walked away from it to move to a […]
I’m not real happy about this
You might recall my displeasure at having to tell a couple of mothers that I had nothing to offer her for her hungry children the other day. It happened again. While in Paxólas, a slum area on the outskirts of Ubaúna, we were updating pictures of Seed of Hope children. A mother comes up to […]
Prayer, Brazilian Style
Every time I come to the desert of Brazil I come away amazed at what happens to my faith. It seems to take on a new vitality and becomes the proverbial “faith on steroids.” I begin to do things I wouldn’t typically do while at home, I boldly go where I otherwise wouldn’t simply because […]
Nothing like the desert of northeastern Brazil to get you thinking a bit clearer. The local folks have a saying: “God is a Brazilian.” For the longest time I used to think that was a sick joke. Droughts, floods, poverty, hunger, disease and pestilence, ignorance… “God-forsaken” is the term that would spring instantly to mind; […]
What am I supposed to do?
Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Paul is a stickler for getting it right. Don’t get caught up in the law, run after the Spirit. Make sure you know where you are placing your trust. Sitting here in the interior of Brazil, I have to ask myself: what are my motives, what […]