This fellow storms into my office and was really distraught. Distraught is an interesting word and not in wide use in people’s vocabulary these days. It means “distracted; deeply agitated.” This fellow definitely qualified. Tears, hysteria, hyperventilating, snorting, threatening… yeah, he was distraught. Why he was doesn’t matter; he was. Unnecessarily. It’s in Christ that […]
Batting .450
Funny how things happen. One moment, everything is going along smoothly; the next, the rug is yanked out from under you. How do you respond when there really isn’t a response you can offer that will change anything? Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles. Psalms 119:50 Life is real. It […]
The party was heavenly
It never gets old. Never. Twenty folks who attended Lifepoint today are going to heaven because they met Jesus there today. Seven more who showed up at Southside did the same thing. Three hundred and fifty literally walked the aisle the “old school” way at Newspring to join the same party. Revolution Church saw thirty […]
Hiding Easter Eggs with a Helicopter
Some things are just simply crazy. Why in the world would you want to drop Easter Eggs out of a helicopter? 30,000 of them at that? Especially when just hours prior to starting time there were tornado warnings, drenching rain and high winds. It all seems like the makings of a disaster movie, doesn’t it? […]
She almost wrecked my hair
I don’t like getting haircuts. Not really sure why. I don’t like going to the dentist either; but, that’s pretty obvious. Haircuts? I’m clueless. Having to get one the other day because I’d stretched the last one several weeks beyond it’s presentable lifespan, I stopped in to see Pat, my barber. I really mean no […]