Just noticed a note on my Google home page: Joe Carr invisible I don’t think that’s good. …You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, […]
“I just eulogized my son…”
“Hey doc!” Recognizing the voice, I turned and saw a friend who’d invaded my office. I’ve know Leroy for more than five years; we’ve had some interesting health adventures together. He’s 69 and has been through some tough times. He’d just been thrown into a tougher one. “How’s it going?” “Doc, I just eulogized my […]
He did it to me, again
Paul is really messing me up in 2 Corinthians. Seriously. Chapters three and four set me up. He caught me looking one way then, BAM!, he slapped me with chapter five. And, the funny thing is, he didn’t tell me anything new. He simply retold me what he’s told me before. I think it was […]
…let the game come to ya
Interesting read in John 6 this morning. Jesus had just fed the crowd, sent the disciples away in a boat, came walking on the water after them, the crowds couldn’t find Jesus the next day and go find him miles away on the other side of the lake. I remember a coach back in junior […]
Jesus the whoopie cushion
THOUSANDS of people have flocked to a Roman Catholic church on the French Indian Ocean island of Reunion after believers said they saw the “face of Christ” in the pleats of a church cushion. “This is not a miracle, it’s a sign of God,” said parish priest Daniel Gavard. Full story. And we wonder why […]