The text: 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 After that the end will come, when he will turn the Kingdom over to God the Father, having destroyed every ruler and authority and power. For Christ must reign until he humbles all his enemies beneath his feet. And the last enemy to be destroyed is death. For the Scriptures […]
Larry. Just Larry.
I’ve got a friend who is actually my “twin” brother by way of another set of parents. He recently told my parents that he was the son they didn’t know they had. Larry and I have a jaded history. Not with each other, but in what we seem to do to others who get around […]
Lifepoint! Flick your bic’s!
Ever been to a concert and the headline act does a masterful job with their talents? The audience will acknowledge this mastery with a simple act of pulling out their cigarette lighters, flicking them on and holding them high over their heads. For my fellow Lifepointers, I want you to know that pastor Jeff and […]
New marching orders
One of the major planned activities of this trip was to do strategic planning with Audrey. Even with losing an entire day due to being “under the influence,” we talked so much that it almost hurt! I did begin to lose my voice and that was exciting! I don’t know that I’ve ever talked so […]
Family feud
John knew him from the time he could walk. They were cousins, for heaven’s sake! His mom had told him that his cousin was special. He was “the one.” John knew his aunt Mary was a no nonsense person; all the controversy that had surrounded her and uncle Joe’s marriage was responsible for that, he […]