I’ve been asked by more than my fair share of folks, including my wife, why would I waste my time ot the social interaction tool called “Twitter.” Seems that many a folk has been asked the same question. Preaching and witnessing were the original means of spreading the gospel. Later, the printed word, radio and […]
Upset at “Pissing on Jesus?”
Just so I don’t get taken out with preemptive nukes… this isn’t my title but that of Aceshowbiz.com and HBO. Whew! Check out the writeup here. Last Sunday on “Curb Your Enthusiasm“, Larry David’s new pill has increased his flow so much it is causing him to splatter, which leads to a misunderstanding about a […]
What’s he done now?
Ever had a friend that continuously gets you into trouble? Growing up I did. In college I did. Now I do again. He and trouble seem to be buddies because it is always following him around (which means I get drug into it as well!). He hangs out with the wrong folks, he goes places […]
Is that it?
For the majority of the years I labored under the Christian banner my “walk” was constantly plagued by the nagging question “Is that it?” Is this all there is to this thing? Doesn’t it get any better? What’s all the hoopla about? Being the good little Christian, however, I never voiced my rising concern. I […]
The gospel according to… Jesus?
I have a friend who says he’s worried that the church sometimes offers more of a “good deal” than it does in just sharing the Good News. It seems to me that many in the Christian world have a tendency to offer their brand of Christianity (sometimes denominational: Baptist, Methodist, charismatic, Catholic) which in essence […]