I could never convince you that God exists. Nor could I prove to you that the Bible actually came from him. Or that it was truthful. Oh, believe me, in the past I sure thought I could. I even have the degrees to prove it hanging on my wall to this day. I thought I […]
Lazy, crazy, hazy or what?
Why would a man give up everything he owns, throw away a successful and profitable career, go and live among the world’s downtrodden? Delusional? I know such a man. Highly educated, sharp thinker, personable, definitely not crazy. He doesn’t do drugs, alcohol or any other mind-altering substances. He isn’t being blackmailed, he’s not dying from […]
What if…
If there really is a God and the Bible really is his written word for us, are you ready to go where that would take you? Most folks really aren’t. If just the Jesus thing is true, everything you hold dear, everything you perceive as real, everything that is important in your life would change. […]
Killing the old man
Yes, it’s long (4 minutes and 28 seconds) Yes, the title is in Portuguese (but there is nothing spoken in the video and the ending is in English) Yes, you should watch it (and read this)
Good literature and society’s outcasts
You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilization to pieces, turn the world upside down, and bring peace to a batle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of good literature. –Mohandas Gandhi If Jesus were on earth you’d find him in a […]