Today must be Thursday. XXXXXXXI never really got the hang of Thursdays.
Jackie Gleason: How sweet it is
Do you have any idea how refreshing and fulfilling it is when you are able to share life with people who are on the same frequency as you? This was brought to my attention with stark contrast the other day. I had the privilege of sitting with folks who wanted what I’ve experienced. On the […]
Drought vs Flood
Funny how things that were once thought of as being good can become bad. Drought in the northeast of Brazil is a cruel way of life. The thought of rain has the attraction of a love making session for newly weds. Currently, the same region is experiencing uncharacteristic torrential rain that is causing millions of […]
The charming side
Someone remarked the other day that many of my recent posts seemed sinister and melancholic. I didn’t mean them to be! I’ve been in the mode of a reporter over the last three weeks, describing what I was seeing while in the interior of northeastern Brazil. In many ways, life there is a black and […]
Ave Maria
Sometimes life is far funnier than anything a comedian can come up with. The church in Ubaúna has begun to experience some explosive growth. Consequently, they are far more people than there is space to put them in. That especially is true of the children. While there, I popped in to a small room no […]