Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. They’ve never sounded better than at 40,000 feet with good ear phones as you watch the black night zip by. Almost Cut My Hair, Woodstock, Carry On, Southern Man, Country Girl, Deja Vu… Nostalgic to the core. I guess my 70’s are showing. Don’t even get me started on Santana…
God is jacking me up
Have you ever had God rudely push into your life and just mess you up with what was on his mind? Trust me, you will know if he does. You won’t have to sit around and wonder if he did. He made such an intrusion into my daily affairs a week or so ago and […]
The lack of fear of flying
Flying is an interesting endeavor. People can be so… odd. Especially on an airplane. For example; The lady next to me who keeps asking the stewardess for cups of water and filling up her quart water bottle, one little four ounce cup of water at a time. The stewardess has a perplexed look on her […]
Overstating the obvious
My nose is red
I think I’m suffering from Easter Weekend Overload or EWO. Here it is Thursday morning and my nose (and both ears) is (are) still red from the sun I got on Saturday, my legs are still tired from being on them all day Saturday and all day Sunday, I’m stiff as though I’ve been working […]