I know I should stop being taken aback when I come across tidbits of wisdom and information while perusing the Word. I mean, it’s not like I haven’t read it before, right? But, without fail, year after year, the same thing happens. Each time it does I am so astonished that I inevitably tell someone […]
Ok, I admit it. I’m coming out of the closet . . . I’m not a sports fan There, I’ve said it. I feel much better. I had to wait two days until after the biggie of sportsdom had passed to have the courage to make this confession. It was the weaknes of the event […]
Shameless Propaganda
————————————————————————————— “Sheesh, Joe! Don’t you ever get tired of running off at the mouth on the reading through the Bible in a year thing?” Nope! People, this stuff is dynamite! You find stuff that keeps you up reading when you should be going to bed . . . you can’t put it down. There’s stuff […]
Hate the Amalekites? Raise Your Hand!
I’m proud of my pastors. Besides just being generally nice fellows, they’ve proven they’re willing to do whatever the Jesus Lord asks them to do. I appreciate that. But, they sometimes need a hand. In fact, they need quite a few hands. If those hands aren’t forthcoming, these two will fail. If they fail, we […]
What is it? Manna, dude, honeynut bread! (Or, don’t gripe when the breakfast buffet is full)
The Israelites were puzzled when they saw it. “What is it?” they asked each other. They had no idea what it was. —Exodus 16:15 I’m glad I wasn’t Moses. I would have snuck off when the Israelites weren’t looking, gone back to my father-in-law’s house, and let them die in the desert. Dang! Talk about […]