Just finished reading about Jacob wrestling with God . . . Appears he really held on for all he was worth. I think he was terrified. That gave him Hulk Hogan-like strength. Being body slammed by God all night long had to have been painful. And frightening. Two things stand out: 1. You can’t […]
Another day in paradise fizzles out
Or is it that another fizzled day has become paradise? Life has been tough these last few weeks . . . You know the feeling: overloaded to the point of exploding, short with those closest to you, lack of sleep, brain fog, loss of joy from simple things, lack of focus, and the “W” word […]
Stuck up, down south
An interesting group of people I get to deal with, almost daily, are folks who are constipated. Seriously! I’m not kidding. When someone gets in bad shape, bowel-wise, everything takes on a different perspective. The things that once gave joy no longer do because they can’t be done. Things that you take for granted become […]
Day #2
Ok, we’re two days into a new year. Done anything significant yet? Day 1 brought to mind an interesting, and perplexing, thought that sprung from yesterday’s reading in The One Year Bible: why did God make us? So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male […]
Scalded dog
We used to have a dog that hated the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve . . . She was terrified of loud sounds. Fireworks drove her into a frenzy. She would always run for our bed, dive under it and lie there trembling until the noise stopped. That usually meant that she would […]