I mentioned the The One Year Bible the other day. I’ve had several folks ask me about it since then. So, I thought I’d explain a little. Reading through the Bible can be a daunting endeavor. With The One Year Bible you can spend 15 minutes daily and actually accomplish the seemingly impossible. You read […]
Dang Thoughts!
Crazy thoughts . . . I hate it when I have them! I especially hate it when they rudely burst to the forefront of all my other thoughts. Like when I’m pleasantly sleeping with visions of sugar plums and candy canes merrily dancing in my head. Or when I’m trying to concentrate on work, or […]
Stupid Resolutions!
I’ve never made a New Year’s resolution. There! I’ve confessed. I’ve always thought them stupid. Still do. People make some big whuptodo about how they are going to stop doing stupid things or start doing smart things, overnight, instantly. Not gonna happen. Everyone knows it, so why act stupid and declare to everyone that you […]
Miss Bikini World 2006
Sorry. Just had to do that. I saw a reference to the Miss Bikini World 2006 competition and I’ll readily confess that my head freely swiveled. But, now that I have your attention . . . Have you ever wondered what makes someone put on very little and parade around practically naked but think they […]
Folding Cafeteria Tables and Church
Do you know what this is? Let me give you a clue: it is NOT children happily eating at a school cafeteria table. Give up? It is children sitting on the lap of a BEAST! Why would I make such an outlandish statement? Because I wrestled this beast and 19 of his kin this morning. In […]