I shared and viewed the sufferings of many fellow prisoners in an underground Communist prison. What intrigued us the most was that we did not obtain from heaven what it was obviously reasonable to expect: a slight improvement in our situation, food to quiet our hunger, and abatement of our cruel torture. We did not […]
Life had treated him hard . . . Mid forties, but he looked mid sixties. Timid, shy, embarrassed. Hair a yellowish white, dirty looking even though he had just showered and shampooed. Clothes mismatched, a t-shirt that read “Harvard, the school of champions,” a simple wooded cross around his neck. Eyes continuously flickering from one focus […]
Stepping stones in my day
Those who crossed my path yesterday: A woman who’s been a crack addict for 20 years and seems to have finally gotten her life back on track. She’s discovered her 3 children who’d been given up for adoption years ago and was told they’d forgiven her. She was going to meet one of them for […]
The value of pushing heavy boxes on wheels around
I’m on the setup team. I do church at a church in a box. That means every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. we pull up with two trailers full of equipment to a middle school and transform it into a church in less than two hours. Really quite fascinating. We roll large (and some quite heavy) 5×8 boxes […]
FIFO, FCFS and up yours!
F.I.F.O. is an acronym for First In First Out. It describes the principle of F.C.F.S. or First Come, First Served. What comes in first is handled first, what comes in next waits until the first is finished, and so on. Another way of looking at it is “queueing” or “standing in line,” where someone or […]