I’m in a funk. There. I’ve admitted it. Don’t have to hide it any longer. Funk [fuhngk] is defined as 1. a dejected mood 2. the state or quality of being funky 3. a strong smell; stench 4. to be afraid of I think I’ve got them all. It’s interesting how things begin to roll […]
Black beans and pig tails
Gastronomically, the northeastern diet is quite interesting. Today we had “feijoada.” Yum, yum. Black beans, pig tails, pig feet, pig ears, sausage poured over rice and collards. Orange slices on the side, roasted cassava root in garlic and all the Guarana you can drink. Dang! It just doesn’t get much better than this! Feijoada is a […]
Falling up with my eyes closed
Sometimes you do something right, even when you didn’t know that you were . . . Take December 1978, for example. I did something, or better, I participated in something, that I had no clue would turn out the way it did. What is so interesting is that a little child in Africa who wasn’t […]
What about the dinosaurs?
I think my wife is fabulous . . . Seriously. I’m married to the woman of my dreams. This lady has made me into something I could never be. I find that to be amazing. I wake many a morning, look at her and think, “Dang! How did I snooker her into thinking I’m a […]
My wife cried yesterday . . .
My wife cried yesterday . . . Odd way to began a post, don’t you think? I do. You see, my wife rarely cries, unless she is in pain. The pain can be physical or it can be emotional. But, it has to be significant. “Sentimental” female she’s not (now, just so there’s no misunderstanding, […]