Wow! I’m impressed. You’ve got to understand that I’m not one who is easily impressed with folks, especially in the spiritual arena. Unfortunately we, as Americans who claim to be Jesus followers, are the spiritual infants on this globe. The “foreigners” typically tend to be giants in comparison with our lack of spiritual acuity. Sad, […]
The same thing, only different
For the first time since 2004, a trip to Ubaúna will involve more than Ubaúna. It will definitely involve Ubaúna. There will be more activity occurring in this little village than has ever taken place there. We have people descending on it from two different countries and a total of six different states (three from […]
Amazing what a little paint does
Pictures tell you a whole lot! This is the new Seed of Hope activity center. It’s all spruced up and ready to inaugurated in less than two weeks. This is going to be fun! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxBEFORExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAFTER Can’t you just imagine scores of wild, screaming, happy and not hungry, kids romping through this space? I can!
What Jesus meant to say…
I was toying with a topic the other day when a blog that I follow popped up that had already dealt with the same issue. Joey Shaw over at (good blog Joey! Go check him out!) posted “5 Common Great Commission Myths.” While I’m not going to reproduce it here (though it is a […]
Jamming light down the throat of darkness
The Thirty had no identity crisis. There was no attempt at being politically correct and “playing nicely.” They ran with scissors in hand, they jumped off roofs, they killed giants. They knew what was necessary and they rose to the task, even at the risk of their own lives. We should not be running from… […]