Remember my meanderings on the temperature and time sign? I made the mistake a few years ago of reading some of the works of a certain K. P. Yohannan, in particular, his Revolution in World Missions and Road to Reality profoundly affected me. I’ve given away almost 50 copies of Revolution in World Missions simply to expose […]
Behaving by “misbehaving”
Interesting things happen when you do the unexpected. Last Sunday, Lifepoint did what every mother tells her child in church NOT to do. We wrote on the chair. With black permanent markers. All of them. And we didn’t get in trouble. Why in the world would we do such a thing? Because our Dad is […]
Sunday at Lifepoint, people were invited to write the names of people they wanted to see become followers of Jesus on the back of the chairs in front of them. Everyone was provided a permanent black ink marker and told to write as many names as they wanted on the white backs of the chairs. […]
Go that way →
Dang it! I hate referring people to blogs someone else has written (makes me look bad 🙁 ); but, sometimes what folks write so affects me I have no other choice. So, even though I didn’t write it, take a look at this and this.
Spiritual Dishonesty
Many years ago while a freshman in college, I had to write a paper on speaking in tongues for Dr. Oliver’s Christian Doctrines class. Being a young college student with a head full of mush, I didn’t know that I wasn’t actually supposed to think. Silly me, I thought I was there to learn new […]