Slightly more than a week to go before heading to Ubaúna and I’m pumped! There’s a sense of excitement that I have been unable to quelch and it is growing. It’s waking me up early in the mornings and stays with me all day long. Exactly what is in store for us is yet to […]
Road to Reality
I’m in the process of re-reading a book I’d read two years ago. I’d lent my copy to a friend and never gotten it back, so I recently picked up a new one. The book is by K.P. Yohannan of Gospel for Asia. Entitled Road to Reality, I dare you to try to read it […]
Mairzy Doats, or being irrelevant
ir·rel·e·vant– adjective: not relevant; not applicable or pertinent In 1943, a song named “Mairzy Doats”was played for the first time on the radio powerhouse WOR New York by Al Trace and his Silly Symphonists. Making the pop charts several times, actually hitting No. 1 in March 1944 with a version by the Merry Macs, the […]
Liar, liar, pants on fire . . .
My reaction: “You’ve got to be kidding!” The political fight between Republicans and Democrats heated up as violence in Iraq escalated. U.S. military officials said four Iraqi soldiers were killed and 16 American soldiers wounded in Baghdad in the fiercest fighting since a security crackdown began in February. —Reuters Political fight? In […]
401 + 20± = Wow!
Have you ever been present where God showed up? I mean really, not figuratively. Not just excitement or a good time kind of a thing. Where the Spirit moved and you could see it? It happened at Lifepoint this morning. You could feel it at 7:00 a.m. as setup began. In the moments before the […]