How do you like these numbers: 3,702 + 2 = 9,260 1 = 250 2:31 = 3,000
Hate the Amalekites? Raise Your Hand!
I’m proud of my pastors. Besides just being generally nice fellows, they’ve proven they’re willing to do whatever the Jesus Lord asks them to do. I appreciate that. But, they sometimes need a hand. In fact, they need quite a few hands. If those hands aren’t forthcoming, these two will fail. If they fail, we […]
Folding Cafeteria Tables and Church
Do you know what this is? Let me give you a clue: it is NOT children happily eating at a school cafeteria table. Give up? It is children sitting on the lap of a BEAST! Why would I make such an outlandish statement? Because I wrestled this beast and 19 of his kin this morning. In […]
Another Myrtle Grove Sunday
I’m sorry that I am saying I’m sorry again, but, I am (sorry, that is). I’m sorry if you’re reading this and were not at Lifepoint today (Sunday). I keep expecting there to be a really lousy, flat, noninspiring service. But, the string runs undaunted and doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. You’ve […]
Eye Candy? part 2
Are you still with me from yesterday? Now that is amazing . . . Remember, I’ve got this really bad problem with my eyes? They’re always wanting to read something and that has caused me some discomfort. Something like . . . An estimated 200 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for […]