Anyone know when this will open locally?
Ezekiel has always been a problem for me. All those years ago while in seminary, I struggled to make sense of it. It didn’t “flow.” Being transparently honest, I had problems with most of the prophetic books; Ezekiel was simply more exceptionally problematic for me. I know that part of my failure was to see […]
Is that it?
For the majority of the years I labored under the Christian banner my “walk” was constantly plagued by the nagging question “Is that it?” Is this all there is to this thing? Doesn’t it get any better? What’s all the hoopla about? Being the good little Christian, however, I never voiced my rising concern. I […]
Confused or Bewildered?
In looking at my statistics today, I saw that one of the primary search terms on Google that bring folks to this site is “bewildered.” I think that’s rather appropriate.
$900 Billion is a lot of money!
The numbers on this whole health care thing are beyond staggering. Tossing around numbers that are almost in the $1,000,000,000,000 price range sounds a tad bit on the ludicrous side of things. Health care for everyone, damn the consequences! Is a system that is totally broken (please don’t fool yourself and think they are “fixing” […]