I have a friend who says he’s worried that the church sometimes offers more of a “good deal” than it does in just sharing the Good News. It seems to me that many in the Christian world have a tendency to offer their brand of Christianity (sometimes denominational: Baptist, Methodist, charismatic, Catholic) which in essence […]
It’s all about ice cream
My dad passed along an interesting post. I’ve tried to run down the original but have been unsuccessful. If you know the original author, please pass it along to me so I can give proper credit. Lots of applications could be made from it. I decided to leave those to you! The most eye-opening civics […]
Yesterday morning I was having a get together with a couple of guys. It was intense. It was good. It was holy. Last night at supper my wife asked me, “Who was that guy in there with you this morning?” She’d come to the office with me and was working in the back. We guys […]
“Just a killer”
Flavor. Every little place has it. Unfortunately, the flavor can be sour. Ubaúna is in the middle of nowhere, a sleepy little villa, rural, even “hick.” There is no police presence, no civil authorities, no ability to maintain law and order except the good will of the people. For years, scores of decades, that has […]
How many votes for “all too probable?”
I am desperate to experience the life of impossibility. Yesterday, I stumbled across this quote by Martin Buber in his On Judaism: “Whoever can no longer desire the impossible will be able to achieve nothing more than the all too probable.” ~page 145 Any takers for the “all too probable” lifestyle?